One of my greatest challenges to overcome this week in my work is that Gussie has claimed the studio and my work chair as HIS territory. When I demand my chair back, he gets quite vengeful, and does things like dump my paint water, or climb the chair back and sit on my head. I actually had to forcefully evict him from the studio the other day, and then listen to him cussing at me on the other side of the shut door while I painted. This cat needs to learn who is boss in the studio.... and a few cat manners. All of our other pets have always understood that the studio is my space, and they are not really welcome there. Wooster would never go into the studio, uninvited. He thinks Gussie is a very bad boy - and he's right.
Sigh! Just another case of "if you don't use it, you lose it", huh Kathy? Good luck getting Gussie in line.
Yes, I guess you're right, Lyn. I might need to get Gussie his own studio chair... or maybe I'll get myself a new one and let him have the old tired one!
Tuesday 1/13/09 1:30pm...This story between Good Boy Wooster and Bad Kitty remind me so much of that old Polaroid ad where the dog had to take photos to prove who was the mischief maker....now the tapestry is really impressing me....it's the vibrancy of the colors...and I love the plethora of bobbins now that you told me to keep adding more to ward off out-of-sync-bobbinitis....Thanks for sharing this brightly colored progress...exciting for me....from Janet on the frigid Atlantic Coast
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