Friday, January 23, 2009

Illustration Friday: Climbing

I did this tiny oil sketch, with my no-drawing method, for Illustration Friday this morning, as the topic is 'climbing.' It isn't a great sketch, but it was a good warm-up for the painting I want to do today. It is of my grandson climbing some playground equipment at the park near our house last summer. The sketch is about 5"x5" and is oil on canvas.


Anonymous said...

I love your sketches, but not being a painter, don't understand how you can do that. They're really wonderful.

get zapped said...

You captured the joyful climb of the youth. Great colors!

Kris-Tea said...

Very nice sketch-painting! Beautiful colors :)

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading your blog. I appreciate your comments on New Beginnings. As a fairly new Tapestry weaver I always experience feelings of doubt and anxiety when I start a project. Another new project of mine is my Blog. Please add it to your list.

Carol said...

Great composition incorporatong the "Climbing" theme. I love your bright and vibrant colors!

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