Sunday, March 15, 2009

All in a row...

No, I don't have my ducks all in a row, but my daffodils seem to be lined up for something this year!

I spent the past week doing two things; laying out the Connections catalog and looking for the photo I want to design a tapestry from. Good news and bad news: the catalog is off to the printer for proofing (keeping fingers crossed and prayers said on that one), and after looking in every logical and illogical place I can think of, I still haven't found the photo. So, towards the end of the week I thought, "Fine! I'll just forget about it and leave the loom empty until I run across it. I'll paint and spring clean and work in the garden. Who needs to weave anyway? Especially in this economy!"

I puttered about with that attitude for several days, feeling increasingly crabby and put out. The cat and dog and husband were tip-toeing around me. Then I faced reality and realized that I need to weave! If I'm not a weaver, I don't know who I am. So I pulled this image from the "Projects in Progress" file in my computer (yes, it really is called that), and decided to weave it up. It came from a photo I took last winter from my sitting room window. It will be another of the 'calendar series' pieces, at 18 x 18". So maybe during that time, the photo I have lost will come to the surface. The tapestry from this cartoon will be called "January" and it will be fairly monochromatic, even less colorful than the "February" tapestry. So be prepared to hear me gripping about lack of color! But I will be weaving it during the springtime, so if I need color, I'll just go outside and add more flowers to the flower bed.


Jan said...

1. Jealous of the daffodils, I only have one or two early crocus so far. 2. Thrilled to hear the catalog is almost done. 3. A question about the cartoon, will it really be so LINEAR? Looks difficult, I hope it's large!

K Spoering said...

The cartoon IS pretty linear. I had that debate with myself about which way to weave it, as lines go both ways. I'll weave it bottom to top, and it's not large - 18 inches square. It will be about as linear, maybe a bit more, as the "February" tapestry.

juliet... said...

daffodil envy, daffodil envy, daffodil snowed here today...arghhhhh

Anonymous said...

Monday 3/16/09 12:49pm
....hmmmmm, is the bottom roots or shadows????? from Janet way over East

K Spoering said...

Shadows. I'll try to post the maquette later.

Sketchbook Selfies

  I completed a sketchbook today, and began a new one. My tradition is to both end and begin a sketchbook with a self portrait. It is my way...