It was at this time a year ago that I was informed that this tapestry, "Rockport Skiffs," was stolen from a gallery in Asheville, North Carolina. I have been thinking about it lately, especially as I get exhibit prospecti that require that works be "created no more than two years ago." Tapestries take so long to create that I rarely create more than one large tapestry in a year. So, taking this one, which was never exhibited, out of circulation in such a nasty way really has hurt me! Right now, I have only one large piece and several small ones to enter in exhibits.
If you ever see this tapestry,
PLEASE let me know! It is 3 feet wide by 30" high, so is not small. I find that I am still pretty angry when I think of it being stolen.....
That stinks!
I always worry when I send my Girls out to show. Will they come home? Will they be damaged? What will befall them in shipping? Agony!
But to have a piece stolen!
I'm angry for you.
Have you posted thru the networks, rings, flickr? someone must know where this beautiful piece is.
OH my - how awful for you. Such a wonderful piece which you clearly put a lot of love and time into creating. It makes me both sad and angry to think that somebody has had the audacity to steal it. I sincerely hope that it surfaces somewhere and that you are reunited with this beauty.
Hey Kathy, have you ever considered putting an ad about the tapestry's theft (including a photo) in the local paper there & offering a reward? Chances are it's hanging in a local home there & it may have been seen by someone who would be willing to report it... just a thought.
Hi Kathy,
I can understand why you feel angry still. Marilyn Rea Menzies also had a large tapestry stolen in the past couple of years. I think that Marilyn advertised it on her website?
I hope that someday it is found. Debbie.
Beautiful composition and tapestry; but certainly a demoralizing experience.
I hope you will return to this subject and weave more 'seascapes'.
This is incredibly gorgeous! I hope, somewhere, it is being cherished...
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