You would have to have a lot of Poise to carry a cat and wear an occupied bird's nest on your head! I needed to just sit at the easel and paint something fun today, and this is what came out of the tubes of oil paint. It is small, 6"x8" I think. It kind of reminds me of the little "Dama con Mangoes" painting that became a tapestry, that has actually done very well in exhibits, including a Best of Show at the last IWC exhibit! This little thing would also be fun to weave... I may consider it.
And, speaking of Poise, this painting of my daughter-in-law (who has a great deal of poise) was just purchased by the regional hospital, which is building a humongous addition and needs to be filled with art, as the rest of the hospital is. I have mixed feelings about the sale, as we have enjoyed having this painting in our living room. But we can go visit it, and I plan to have a good canvas print made of it for us before it leaves us. The hospital art requirement was that work had to be 'restful and positive.' This piece, called "A Peace of Quiet II" seems to fit the bill!

Wonderful painting of your daughter-in-law. I can see why a hospital might want it. It's very restful to look at--beautiful serene scene, lovely flowers, lovely colors, etc.
Love the colours in both paintings. The first is vibrant and the second very restful! Would love to see the girl and kitty as a tapestry too!
I am SO glad I found your blog. I just love seeing all your artistic creations. What a beautiful painting. This one is a very restful piece.
Thanks for the playful and the restful pieces. I look forward to seeing the tapestry of the playful one!
Thanks, all, for your comments. They are very encouraging, and I feel a bit short of that commodity lately! I am seriously considering doing the top sketch as a tapestry - I want to do something happy and fast, and the January tapestry I was considering would be neither!
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