Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The inevitables...

I spent yesterday doing my taxes and the laundry... isn't that what Ben Franklin said were the only things certain in life? Well, if he didn't, Mrs. Franklin did!

Today I will split my time between finishing the Connections catalog layout and painting. I do want to share my latest knitting project with you though, as it is so fun (and a bit funky)...

This sock is knit vertically in one long garter stitch strip, which has a minimal amount of shaping where the toe and heel will be, then it's folded in half and the sides are grafted together. The knitting was fun - I find knitting garter stitch to be a very zen-inducing meditation. The pattern is a Debbie New one, from Interweave Knits Fall 2001 issue. I used one of those self-striping sock yarns, and, even though the yarn is a very fine fingering weight, it is knit on size 5 needles! I may find myself making more of these!

(By the way, the desk photo is not of my desk, which is quite a bit messier than that. It is a photo I took of Longfellow's desk at his home in Cambridge, MA.)


Jane said...

What a fantastic pair of socks

K Spoering said...

Thanks, but I have to confess that they are not quite a pair yet! I'll do the second one tonight watching American Idol, which I used to love, but am having a hard time watching this year. The sock will help!

mdsol said...

Nice sock!

OzWeaver said...


I love that sock!...and will now go foraging through my IWKnits shelf for the pattern. I agree that garter is zen, and I could use some zen right now....

I also love the painting of the little boy in the fountain. I enjoy your painting style immensely!


Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...