Friday, March 13, 2009

Illustration Friday: Legendary

My grandfather was legendary for his Flat-Tops! His legend got even more interesting when his Kansas barbershop was totally flattened by a tornado in 1966. The tornado itself is legendary...

I remember it well. I was in grade school, and we got in our station wagon and headed away from it, as it looked like the huge white funnel was coming straight at our house. It veered off and headed downtown instead, taking a wide path with it, including a lot of the college and my Grandpa's Barbershop. He said the Lord was telling him to retire, so he did. You don't mess with Someone who sends a message like that! All truth, but a family legend as well.
The handwoven tapestry, "Barbershop Buzz" is a part of my Heritage Series of tapestries. It is 36" wide and 56" long.


get zapped said...

A very nice post and story. I love your illo, too. It has a lengend-feel to it. Thanks!

Willie Baronet said...

wow. I love tornadoes.

Koya Moon said...

this is very special. there is a powerful presence in your work.

Anonymous said...

What a great story and illustration!

Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...