Monday, May 18, 2009

Daily summer painting #3...

Another 5x7" oil on gessoed masonite. Lilacs from my garden in a small lilac vase I splurged on for small bouquets. I used the palette knives for lots of texture again (which you can see better if you click on the photo to enlarge it- but then you'll be viewing it larger than life. Remember, it's only 5"x7".) ... Fun to do!

I spent most of the day cleaning my studio, as it had reached the point where the clutter was sapping my creativity. Enough was enough. Tomorrow I must attack the rest of the house, as it is doing the same to me, and we have company coming on Thursday. I will still try to do some painting each day, though.


Jennifer said...

I admire the painting-every-day goal. So what do you think you will do with those nearly 100 pieces???

K Spoering said...

Yikes! Will it really be that many? Well, I am committed to a gallery for a year, so they will help fill that committment, and hopefully some will sell there. Maybe I will do like some other small format painters and try to sell them on eBay? Or etsy? I know nothing about either, but might need to find out...

Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...