Sunday, May 24, 2009

Moving ahead...

I have turned my back on yesterday's horror, and have moved on to today's little painting. It is of some flowers (Gerberas, I believe?) that my lovely niece, Megan, gave my mother and me on Mother's Day when I was in California. She gave us each a handful, and we put them in a little green vase when we got back to Mom's house. I set them outside on the porch rail the next morning and shot a few photos of them, as their bright red was irresistible.

The painting, which I am calling "Meggie's Flowers," is 5x7" and is an oil on gessoed masonite. I gessoed the board myself this time, and left a lot of texture in it. There is also a lot of texture from the palette knife that I used while painting a good deal of the piece. (Click on it to see an overload of texture!) I like the texture. I like the color. I think I'm happier with my work today. Sigh... what a relief! Even though you expect to create some disasters, when you do such a spectacular one as I did yesterday, it is almost frightening to go back into the studio! Can't have that!! Must move on.....

1 comment:

Caroline said...

Just beautiful! Glad you're happier with this one! Sometimes the 'struggle' ones are necessary!!

Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...