Saturday, May 16, 2009

Today's experiment...

This morning, I have been drawing up a larger painting, which I need to begin, but I also took the time to do this small 5x7" oil on a piece of gesso board - which I LOVE! (The gesso board, not necessarily the painting.) I love it because I want the paint to have more texture than what I have been able to do on canvas, even when I gesso and prep the canvas. On this board the paint sits as I put it, so there is a lot of texture... very juicy! I have been too cheap to invest in much of the board, as it's expensive when you buy it pre-prepped, as this piece was. So I need to get out the gesso and begin coating my own board. The other drawback is that I will use more paint, putting it on a gessoed board... and it will take longer to dry. But I think it will be worth it! I may not go very large with it, though. Maybe I'll try an 8x10" one next. (Click on the painting to see it larger, if you want to see the texture better.)

I am happy with my painting-a-day for the summer plan so far... clear into day 2 now. HA! But it has taken me the whole morning to do this small painting, prep a canvas and begin drawing up a large painting. Maybe I will get more efficient as I get more experience.

I also must add a brag... my youngest son has just completed his nursing education to become an RN. He will be a wonderful one, as he has a generous and compassionate heart, as well as a photographic memory! Way to go, Andy!! Needless to say, we are proud of his choice to work in a service profession, and of his accomplishment to make it a reality.


Sherrie said...

I love this painting.

K Spoering said...

Thanks, Sherrie. It was so much fun to do, I think the happiness I was feeling shows in his grin!

lyn said...

Congrats to your son, Kathy!!!
My father is a nurse, my parents met in nursing school. He started off as a psych nurse, joined the Air Force & became a flight nurse, received anesthesia training in the AF, & practiced the rest of his career as a nurse anesthetist (or CRNA as they are now known). Guess it was "in my blood" to also become an RN-- my mother was an OR scrub nurse until I showed up. I recently found out she was working in the OR while she was pregnant with me, something I didn't know, but that may explain why I was always comfortable working in the OR (you pretty much get to do it all in labor & delivery)! I hope Andy has a long, fulfilling career & gets the opportunity to benefit from the health care reform we so badly need!

K Spoering said...

Thanks, Lyn. I'll pass your best wishes on to him!

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