Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Today I did an under-painting for a piece that will be of a flower seller in Pike Market in Seattle. I don't usually do under-paintings. I usually paint directly, either over a wet wash or over a dry solid color of acrylic. When I do a larger piece, like this one will be, I generally have drawn the piece up, and paint from the upper left corner, downwards to the lower right corner, trying to complete the part of the image I'm working on to completion in one go. But today I felt that this image would work better with an under-painting. So, using a big brush, I blocked in the areas and general shapes of color all over the canvas. I spent just about an hour on it. It is 12 x 16". I'm pretty happy with the under-painting. The trick will be to add just enough details to enhance it, and not too many, to keep from destroying these fresh colors that will be underneath.


Jennifer said...

I'm learning so much watching your paintings! Thanks for sharing.

Caroline said...

I can't wait to see it finished. It positively glows already!!

K Spoering said...

Ah, yes. Therein lies the challenge; to not destroy the glow of the under-painting! Proceeding with caution to the studio...

Anonymous said...

For all the mysteries and successes of painting, we have access to wonderful magazines in good book stores.....for example, American Artists magazine has a good Spring 2009 Workshop issue containing articles of technique and improvement from excellent teachers, some residing in artists, we continually strive to improve and learn.....I'm hoping you will paint a new close up study of Wooster, the wonder dog.....and I do miss seeing more of your tapestry have been so helpful to me in improving my tapestry skills...from Janet on the East Coast

Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...