Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Spike weaves...

I found this yellowed, tattered cartoon when I cleaned my studio yesterday, so decided to share it with you. (Click on it to see it larger.)

I got notification that the three pieces I entered in IWC's Fiber Celebration exhibit were all accepted. So I had to scrounge through my files to find what I had entered. I'd entered three small tapestries: Wooster, All Passion Spent, and September. The exhibit will be in Durango, CO through most of the summer. Let me know if you see them there!


Jennifer said...

LOL on the cartoon! and Congrats on the IWC acceptance!

Tommye McClure Scanlin said...

what a chuckle! Makes me want to post the old cartoon I have... similar subject, different cartoonist. Maybe I'll send to you privately.

Congratulations on having three pieces accepted into the IWC exhibit!


Sue said...

I had that exact same cartoon on my frig for years. It got lost in a move and I had a nostalgic twinge when you posted it.

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