Saturday, January 31, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009
A bit of Progress...

I think I mentioned before that the piece I'm working on now will be called "September." The last one I did was "February," so the foggy one would be called "January." Maybe I will get all the months woven, but I'm not making that promise/commitment to myself just yet. Here is where "September" is, progress-wise, at this point. There are only 7 inches left to weave, but I may not get my 3" woven this week, as we'll have houseguests for several days, and I am cleaning (or taking a short break from cleaning) right now to prepare for that.

Friday, January 23, 2009
Illustration Friday: Climbing

Thursday, January 22, 2009
New Beginnings....

This is today's beautiful sunrise from my sitting room window.
Seeing the day begin, and thinking of President Obama's new beginning, I am thinking of how difficult beginning can sometimes be. When I begin a new tapestry or a new painting, I look at what I want to create and I think, "I don't know how to do this... This is beyond my skills... I don't remember how to paint/weave!" Yes, I do think those things - even though I have been doing this for over 25 years. I went through it earlier this week when I began a new painting.
But then I fill the water bowl, squeeze out some fresh paint, pick up the brush and begin. As I begin, that voice is still there, saying, "This is not going to look right... This is going to be really awful!" But I keep moving the brush from the paint to the canvas, or the yarn through the warp, doing what seems to be right for each mark, each area of color. Then, when I walk away from it and later return, I am surprised to see that it is looking like I wanted it to look like; it's beginning to become a painting or a tapestry!
This process of doubt and surprise happens to me over and over. You would think it would eventually go away. The process for weaving is the same, but I have learned to trust my cartoon and my maquette, even when I don't trust or believe in myself. I guess this is why I don't feel like "An Artist." I know that all I really do is to move paint from the palette to the canvas, or carry the weft threads through the warp threads. I know that I am as surprised as anyone, or more so, when the resulting painting or tapestry turns out to look like I wanted it to. That element of surprise makes me feel like a fraud... Surely a 'real artist' would always expect success!
I imagine President Obama is having some doubts that he is up to the huge job ahead of him. But I have faith that, if he just keeps doing what seems right for each task, he will do very well.
Addendum: If you want to see something to make you smile, go here.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Oh, Happy Day!

I finished the apple and the first pear yesterday. I am pretty happy with the apple. The lost and found edges worked pretty well with it. I don't expect to get much weaving done this morning, as I intend to be watching the inaugural events. Tissues ready for President Obama's speech. I believe a man who can bring us to tears with his words can find and soften the hardened heart of America. I have great hopes for us under his leadership. Today is the first day of a better time for our country. Let's all get behind this president and make it happen!

Friday, January 16, 2009
... and a Pear

As you can see, I did reach my goal again. I won't weave any more this week, but will try to get some painting in. And cleaning. And laundry. And that biggest job category of all right now: ETC.....
Next week's goal (another 3 inches) will take me up to the bottom of the upper two pears, which will be past the half-way mark. All 'up-warp' from there!
Illustration Friday: Pale

The IF topic today is Pale. Hmmmm. It made me think of this tapestry that I wove long, long ago called "Northern Lights." It was so long ago that I didn't have an image of it in my computer (maybe a pre-computer piece), so I had to scan a slide of it. It's not the best image, but it is pale! (In fact, the image itself is pale in comparison to the more colorful tapestry.)
I looked it up in my invaluable green book; the one that has all my tapestries listed, with all pertinent information about each of them. It was woven in 1995 and is 35"x35".
An added tribute: Andrew Wyeth died early today in his sleep, at the age of 91. I don't have many walls for art in my home, and the few I have are covered with my own tapestries, or paintings by myself or my friends. The only print I have is the one below, by Andrew Wyeth. It so captures reality, as does all of his work. We have caught Wooster doing the 'life imitates art' bit, in this exact pose. I have always been so influenced by Wyeth's work, and the work of other illustrators, that I don't refer to myself as a 'tapestry artist' but rather as an illustrator of life who works primarily in the medium of handwoven tapestry. When someone like Wyeth leaves us, there is a huge gap in the world of illustration and art. It will be quite a challenge for us all to fill it!

Now I'm back to the loom to finish up a quite UN-pale pear!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
An Apple....

For those who find it pure gibberish, I will post a picture of Mount Garfield, which is a huge formation at the east end of the valley. I think it looks beautiful with a frosting of snow on it!

Monday, January 12, 2009
This week's goal

One of my greatest challenges to overcome this week in my work is that Gussie has claimed the studio and my work chair as HIS territory. When I demand my chair back, he gets quite vengeful, and does things like dump my paint water, or climb the chair back and sit on my head. I actually had to forcefully evict him from the studio the other day, and then listen to him cussing at me on the other side of the shut door while I painted. This cat needs to learn who is boss in the studio.... and a few cat manners. All of our other pets have always understood that the studio is my space, and they are not really welcome there. Wooster would never go into the studio, uninvited. He thinks Gussie is a very bad boy - and he's right.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Illustration Friday: Contained

The topic for IF this week is contained, so I did a small oil sketch of this old leather purse, which reminds me of Grandma's pocketbook. As a grandmother myself now, I try to contain things in my purse that will entertain my grandchildren when they are with me. As a child I was easily entertained. Fortunately, my grandchildren also love blank pages and drawing pencils. And they love occasional peppermints.
We are home from a night away in the mountains. Here is a sample of what we did there:

Thursday, January 8, 2009
Making the goal...

For those who haven't seen what I'm working on, the maquette is here.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Peppermint tea...

In spite of how I felt yesterday, I did sit at the loom and weave a bit. Here's what I got done, as I creep slowly toward the line that is this week's goal. I'm going at warp speed here... and whoever thought warp speed was fast, well, they just don't know warp speed now, do they?

Monday, January 5, 2009
For Sweet Feet....

Friday, January 2, 2009
Illustration Friday: Resolve

In the spirit of the topic, I would also like to make some resolutions for Gussie:
- I resolve that he will no longer attack all of my scarves and handknits, pulling out threads that shouldn't be pulled out.
- I resolve that he will stop getting on the dog's bed in the night, pushing poor Wooster off and causing a general commotion that wakes us all up.
- I resolve that he will stop stealing balls of my tapestry yarn, making me have to go look for it, and to rewind it back up.
- I resolve that he will only jump up onto areas that are cat-proof, and will quit knocking over Christmas trees and other non-cat 'toys'.
And for myself... I guess I must resolve to become more realistic, and to realize that I cannot change things that will not be changed.
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Sketchbook Selfies
I completed a sketchbook today, and began a new one. My tradition is to both end and begin a sketchbook with a self portrait. It is my way...

I think Persistence is a good characteristic for a tapestry weaver! I began this small 8x10" tapestry a bit more than a week ...
I know that one of the things an artist must do, if she is to remain an artist, is to be challenged to do something she is not sure she...
Most of my designs have both vertical and horizontal lines and shapes in them. So, even after choosing the best direction to weave the i...