Monday, September 28, 2009

Highly recommended!

I sat down and watched the first episode of Ken Burns' "National Parks" on my local PBS station last night. I can't praise it highly enough! The photos, old and new; the soundtrack; the research and historical information, all told so beautifully...! Everything about it makes me proud of our National Park system, and thrilled to be one of the 'owners and stewards' of such beautiful creations.

I have woven several small tapestries of several of the National Parks. Above is the one I did of Yellowstone a number of years ago. It is 8x10".

Below is a small oil sketch I did of Yosemite, which I saw for the first time two years ago. Those are the two first parks and the ones covered last night. If it broadcasts in your area, watch it!


Jennifer said...

Thanks for the recommendation! I just wish I lived closer to the parks - for now I'll just have to watch the TV!

Anonymous said...

I love your idea of the Park tapestry series with names woven in. That is one lucky collector!

lauren lane said...

I think the National Forests and all of Nature should be preserved, especially in areas where the building has gone out of control. We need some trees and "green" stuff around...or we will go totally mad.

Ascender Rises Above said...

so your life REALLY is a tapestry; so nice! would like to see them in person.

Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...