... but for some reason I have really been wanting to paint a cow. Well, a picture of a cow, at any rate. So today I did! It's small - just 5x7". And it just took Booker's naptimes to do. Fun! I will call it "Outstanding in Her Field."

Another thing I have been doing is knitting baby sweaters. Among our acquaintances, babies come in flocks or herds or litters - well, not litters, because they all belong to different families. But there are half-a-gazillion babies due in the next several months in our church family. So I've been knitting tiny sweaters whenever I sit down to watch TV. This one was from a cardigan pattern, but I did it in sock weight self-striping yarn, so to keep the striping somewhat even all round, I had to change it to a pullover, then had to put an opening on the raglan shoulder seam, to make pulling-it-over easier on Mom and baby. I also had to knit three sleeves for this sweater, not because the sweet little baby will have three arms, but because Booker got hold of one of the finished sleeves and ate a hole in the middle of it. I am very careful where I put my knitting down now.
So no weaving again today. But tomorrow my husband is off, so maybe I can sit and weave a bit while he plays "Booker-dad." Then I'll plop down in front of the PBS National Parks episode to begin another baby sweater tomorrow night!
don't forget, your newest grand"child" needs a wee sweater for the winter! ;)
She is outstanding! I very much love her. M and S have a little cow that makes a tiny moo noise when you squeeze it. They will hold it behind their backs and squeeze will they pretend to moo. It is super cute! I'll show them your cow in the morning.
Love the title of the painting! Made me laugh out loud! Any dairy farms nearby? My uncle was a dairy farmer and my aunt used to buy anything cow related. That title would have sold it to her in a skinny minute!
Yes - Shadow loves yarn also - I haven't quite figured out how to get the weaving to work with him, but I have found a kitchen timer and 20 minute intervals are about his limit before he'll demand attention. Baby steps...
Hi Kathy,
Love the cows... BTW, did I send you Lauren Findley's blog address before: http://laurenfinley.wordpress.com/
I think you'll enjoy it. She's also woven tapestry and is VERY good at it!
Oops, Lorrie! I did forget! What color does she want?
Amy, I'm glad you like the cow! We'll have to see if the kids will moo for us when we video visit again.
Jennifer, one of the other artists at the gallery commented about the titles of my paintings. I think she thinks they're a bit 'cutsie' but I just can't help myself sometimes!
Tommye, thanks for the link to Lauren's blog. The blog and her work are lovely!
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