Saturday, September 5, 2009

Illustration Friday: Strong

Here is a little oil painting I did this week, of some women on a "Sunday Stroll," which is the name of it, I guess. So what does it have to do with the IF topic, which is 'Strong?' Well, I know a lot of widowed women who, when they lost their lifetime mate, people said of them, 'I just don't know how she will get along! She was so dependent on him for so many years!'  But these are strong women. They have dealt with loss before, some have lost a lot in their lives.
Women deal with the loss of their children when they leave home, some lose them forever.
Women deal with the losses of war.
Women lose heart, lose faith, lose their health and their beauty.
But women just go on.
They are strong, especially when they have strong women friends to shore them up. I look at these widowed women who have been so 'dependent' all their lives, and I see their strength and I wonder who is dependent on whom?


Valerie Lorimer said...

I love what you wrote! And your piece is absolutely gorgeous.

thedoodlegirl said...

Wow. Beautiful, thought-provoking post. What a fantastic painting!

Shirley said...

Oh my goodness...what an AMAZING post! I just love what you wrote..and the oil painting is marvelous. I agree..strong women...who is dependent upon whom?!! SO perfect.

neilornstein said...

I agree. a lovely piece.

K Spoering said...

Thank you all so much! I love when you leave me a comment, then I can find all of your wonderful blogs, too! I'm having trouble leaving comments on some, but I have visited and truly enjoyed them all. Strong, beautiful work!

justdoodleit said...

Lovely painting and very thoughtful words.

Carol said...

Beautiful painting and equally thoughtful, beautiful very true.

deeol said...

This is lovely, and such a fantastic interpretation of the theme.

salli s. swindell said...

your piece is so well thought out and developed. what a lovely and profound painting. beautiful.

Gai said...

This is a really nice piece of work.

Caroline said...

What a lovely painting and writing to match!

Jennifer said...

Excellent pieces - written and painted!

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