Friday, September 18, 2009

Illustration Friday: Infinite

The IF topic this week is Infinite. I decided to post this oil painting, which sold in an exhibit. It is of the Lowell Library at Harvard. The library is filled with old classic books, which I see to hold infinite hours of pleasure for anyone who can stay awhile and delve into them. Unfortunately, I think most of those who use the library are studying for other infinite rewards, so the first edition novels by Austen, Twain, Dickens, et al mostly are left to get dusty and are ignored. But, in my imagination, I sneak in and spend endless hours pulling one after another off the shelf and pour over the infinate images they secret within. I actually did get to read a Willa Cather novel from the library last fall when we were there; an old copy that felt like a treasure of infinite value. I love reading old books that feel like the history of the volume, who has held and read it before me, adds to the story somehow.

The painting is a 16x20" oil on canvas.


Artsnark said...

lovely piece & fits the prompt quite well

Asja said...

such a beautiful painting!

anna wadham said...

lovely colours and lighting ;)

Anonymous said...

Friday 9/18/09 1:43pm.....this is my very fvorite of all your paintings that you have shown favorite part is all the books...your post is a reason for google not to digitalize all the books in all our libraries...that has its place but what about your feelings of who has held the book before you??? from Janet way over East

K Spoering said...

What a horror - to have to read books online! I have actually checked out, read, and purchased books based on how they felt in my hand!

Anonymous said...

Beautifully done. Infinite words. So true.

erin said...

wonderful, your painting and the subject, so many books, so little time.

froggie is... said...

just stunning. truly. :)

theartofpuro said...

Wondeful painting and the subject is great,I love books and I love libraries,I could stay in for days

Shirley said...

Wow, absolutely lovely illustration! Your lighting is fantastic.

Indigene said...

I love the colors and mood that you've set!

Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...