Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Yesterday's crop...


I have discovered that, if I plan a painting the day before, and if it is small enough, I can complete it during one day's worth of Booker naps! This is a good thing, because the gallery (which is ever encroaching on my weaving time) is having a miniatures exhibit during the months of November and December, and we have been told that we have to keep our spaces filled, and I already know that small pieces sell pretty well.

So yesterday I did this small (5"x5") oil on canvas. I'm actually pretty happy with it, too! It is on a canvas with deep sides, which I also painted, so it will not have to be framed. Yea! (Frames are hard for me to choose, and expensive.) So maybe today I can weave a bit - tho' the day has not started auspiciously, as Booker grabbed the tablecloth and ran as I was eating breakfast, pulling my cereal and milk with him. He is outside 'thinking over' his bad deeds (aka, digging a new hole in the garden.)

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Again, this is sounding a little too familiar - at least the planning part. I haven't had the tablecloth problem, but then again, I don't use one... I could just see Booker's game!

I've changed settings for comments back to a popup window from being on the same page. I've had problems entering on other's blogs when it was on the same page. Maybe that will fix it!

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