Friday, September 25, 2009

Illustration Friday: Pattern

I had figured I'd probably not participate in IF today, as I have a lot of other things to work on. But when I saw that the topic is "Pattern" I HAD to post something! Pattern is my all-time favorite, hands-down (or up, or wherever) design element! I LOVE pattern! I am more in love with it all the time. In fact, just earlier this week I was looking through magazines in Barnes and Noble over coffee with a friend and we were discussing our mutual love for pattern. So, anyway, not to get carried away with what I love, (which surely is more of a Facebook thing and I still don't get Facebook), I decide to post this watercolor which I did a number of years ago. I still like it, and have it hanging in my sitting room. It is of my Grandma Maisie and her mother (my great-grandma). What I love about it, besides their expressions and body language, are the patterns in their house-dresses, and the pattern I added in the 'hankies' painted around the edges, painted from actual handkerchiefs that were theirs. The photo of it isn't very good, as I had to take it through the glass (it's a watercolor.)

I am also loving the pattern of the shadows of the tapestry I'm weaving now.

Although very irregular, it is still a pattern (any other repeating element, ie. line or shape, creates a pattern). I'm using pattern more and more in my work. I loved the pattern in the "Dama con Mangoes" tapestry, and also in the "February" tapestry, and my favorite parts of the Seasons tapestries were the patterns up the side borders.

So, see, I just had to post about pattern!


countrygarden said...

lovely tapestry, dark and mysterious...

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

Love the paintings and tapestry. Beautiful!!

Tommye McClure Scanlin said...

lookin' good!

Jennifer said...

I'm glad you did post about it - I've noticed you are getting to post more frequently, so I'm hoping that means a routine with Booker is lining out. I also don't get Facebook totally, but I understand it better than Twitter. The tapestry is looking great - you amaze me!

Gai said...

I love the watercolour and the story behind it. I can understand the inspiration of the word pattern. Your tapestries forever weaving patterns. beautiful.

Gai said...

I loved the watercolour and the story. I can understand the word pattern being inspiring. Your weaving of patterns is just beautiful. Glad you put some postings up to share. nice.

serline said...

I can never have the chance to learn and weave like you. Glad to see all your beautiful tapestries here. I really enjoy it. The pattern on the house-dresses and hankies reminds me of my grandmother's era.

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