Friday, April 30, 2010

IF: Cocoon

She decided to knit herself a cocoon, to shelter herself from the harshness of life.

Cocoon is the Illustration Friday topic, so I am posting this digital image I have done of a French woman knitting, while she waits for a train.

On a totally non-related topic, I painted at the Blue Pig Gallery yesterday with Travis Jardon's guidance. He is a wonderful landscape painter, and landscape is a real weakness for me. Below is the first painting I did. The second one we just began, as he is showing the method he uses for layered painting, which is something I really want to learn, as I paint everything pretty much alla prima. But, obviously, we will not finish it until the first layer dries. It did inspire me to try more landscapes, although I doubt that I will ever become a 'Landscape Painter.'

9" x 12" oil on canvas.


Unknown said...

I don't see why you don't consider yourself a landscape painter ... that is a lovely painting. One I wish I could have in my home!!!

Jennifer said...

I understand about Mondays - it can be overwelming. I work hard to not even look at the week until Monday, but sometimes it starts to creep in as I prepare for bed on Sunday! (what to wear, did I put everything with the backpack to take tomorrow....)

Sketchbook Selfies

  I completed a sketchbook today, and began a new one. My tradition is to both end and begin a sketchbook with a self portrait. It is my way...