Monday, April 26, 2010

In the garden...

I put on my biggest hat this morning, and headed out to weed the iris bed. (But shouldn't it be 'de-weed?') While I was working, I thought about doing more garden art. I love doing garden art, and have done a good bit of it, both paintings and weavings. The largest garden piece I have done was the Summer tapestry in the Seasons series, called "Tending Peace." But long before I did that tapestry, I did one called "Garden Party." It was a sort of homage to my grandmothers, who both had greener thumbs than I'll ever have.

My maternal grandmother gardened out of necessity; she filled a vegetable garden with food for a family of 11, then with enough to feed their children and even some children's children for the summers of her long life. Tho' she began it out of necessity, it turned into a passion for her. And, as a child, I was 'sent to the garden' to weed bits of it on many a summer visit, keeping me out of hearing of all the aunts' catch-up chatter.

My paternal grandmother had some vegetables in her garden, as well. But, by the time I was familiar with her garden, it was mostly flowers. I remember her gladiolas most. I thought them quite exotic. I grew them a few summers ago, and I believe I'll put some out this year, as well.

This is Garden Party, woven in 1991. It is 34x39" and is privately owned.

This is a photo of my maternal grandfather. Gardening was not his passion, but his wife's. But she somehow managed to get him involved, too, as her garden was a really huge one. He hand plowed it all up in the spring for her, and it looks like she knew how to get a hoe in his hands, as well. She outlived him by about 30 years, and I am sure she must have missed his garden help during that time.

"Tending Peace" Summer, in the Seasons series. 36"x56"


Roger Whiting said...

Reminds me of a picture of my grandmother. Great design.

Jennifer said...

Love the hat - and how many were there throughout!

Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...