Very little new to report, here in our little village in the west. I have a bit more weaving done, and you can now see how much more there is to do. I would like to have been able to report more done, but I have been battling with my customary 'change-of-season-multi-day-migraine,' and I just cannot make myself do much when I feel bad. Also, I can't stand my studio lighting with a migraine. I know; excuses! But I am hoping the season will settle in and the wind will calm down so I will become functional once again.

We went up to the high desert so Booker could run wild, fast, and unrestrained for a bit this morning. While there, I did a small bit in my sketchbook.

I also did this very small oil sketch the other day. I do not do very well with landscapes, so I am trying to challenge myself to do an occasional one. For some reason, landscapes bore me to death! No matter whether I do them in the sketchbook, in the studio, or even in the camera! It is beautiful where we hiked today, and I took a bucket-load of photos, all of which I proceeded to delete when we got home. I don't know what it is about landscapes. They do not thrill.
This little sketch is just 5x7". It is of moonrise over the lake at our cabin. I made the mistake of putting it on heavily textured gessoed masonite. I think landscapes should probably be on a smooth surface. No matter. If I could delete it, like I did the photos, I probably would! But it was good to challenge myself. And you are supposed to paint 99 bad paintings for every 1 good one (who said that? Picasso?) so I can count this as one more towards the good one! I'll add it to that ever growing pile!
hate to interrupt your self- depreciating mood, but I LOVE the landscape or moon scape. It is lovely and I be it sells quickly if you put it in the gallery.
I love the peek into your sketch book and the moonscape! As Sue said, If I saw that in a gallery I would be tempted to take it home with me. I also love the bluebird in the tapestry picture you've changed on your blog!
Hope Booker had himself a good exhausting romp and your migraine packs it's bag and heads for the hills.
Nice of you both, Sue and Teresa! I really had not at all considered this piece for the gallery, as I don't see myself as a landscape artist, and the gallery has some amazing landscape painters. It may do for next winter's miniature show, though, so I won't sand it down to paint over yet, I guess.
I hope you feel better. It was a great thing feeling as you were to take Booker out for a wild day. Thanks for sharing your sketches - that was great fun to see. I also like the landscape. I wonder though - so many of your paintings tell a story. Maybe your landscapes don't tell a story you want?
Oh, I can SO relate to your migraines, alas! Wish I could relate as well to your sketchbook -- something I've always wanted to do but haven't gotten to yet.
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