Friday, April 2, 2010

Illustration Friday: Dip

I haven't done anything for Illustration Friday for quite some time, so I decided today I would take the time to do a quick sketch. This is 5x7", done in oil on canvas. It is of our last lab, Wooster, retrieving a stick by taking a dip in the lake at our cabin. Good times!


theartofpuro said...

Wonderful ilustration!Love the colours,so powerful and the dog is perfect!

Ann Pilicer said...

Beautiful work! Great job! :D

claudine hellmuth said...

the doggie is perfect! you can really feel him in the water!

Citrus Tree Designs said...

Labs! The best dog on earth. Great job!

Joy Steuerwald said...

Oh, that's wonderful! The composition is really nice and I love the texture you've created. Labs are great dogs!

Nicola said...

This is beautiful I love the dog! lovely sense of movement in this one!

Indigene said...

The richness of the color of the water is wonderful! Labs are wonderful and you've captured this one beautifully!

Theresa said...

What a wonderful painting AND memory. Fetch on Wooster!

Valerie Lorimer said...

Absolutely lovely! Really well done.

Valerie Lorimer said...

Really lovely! Beautifully done.

Trekky said...

Beautiful! You can really see the movement of the water & the dog looks like they are having a lot of fun!

Jennifer said...

That one is touching as well as great! I think that would be a nice tapestry...

Coreopsis said...

Absolutely lovely! It so DOG--and the colors are fantastic, such a rich deep blue!

gudbrandsdottir said...

This is a wonderful illustration you have here, love the colours!

Ellen Byrne said...

Fantastic and fun piece!

Amanda Dilworth said...

Really lovely, makes me want a dip too.

Gai said...

For a quick sketch you have come up with a great take on the subject and beautifully painted. brill.

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