Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mind boggled, body exhausted...

We are home from our trip to Chicago. I just uploaded over 900 photos into the computer, so I should have some inspiration to go on for awhile... unless I look at them tomorrow and wonder why I took them all!

My one disappointment was that the textile collection in the Art Institute was all in storage, with the exception of this one tapestry. They have stored and have been cleaning and repairing them all for an upcoming 'major exhibition' so I guess we'll all have to watch for that! This tapestry was from Flanders from 1550-1575.

I liked the big dog sticking his tongue out at the smaller dog. I guess dogs have always been dogs!

I also like this Diego Rivera painting, called "The Weaver," from 1936. It is one I had never seen before.

We came home to blooming lilac and quince bushes. I can no longer ignore the messages that my yard and garden are sending out that spring is here, and I must send some of my attention that direction. So tomorrow I will have plenty to bring me back to the lovely reality of being home again. Before that, though, a good night's sleep is a must!


Theresa said...

Well, bummer on the textiles! But hopefully you got to see American Gothic and Time Transfixed ( steam train coming out of a fireplace) which are always highlights for me on a Chicago visit.
900 photos, that is an amazing amount! Seems you saw a lot. :-)
Hope your weekend is filled with R&R. The garden will be waiting for you no matter what.

Jennifer said...

You know all the tapestries were in storage last April when i was there as well! Except it does look like they are trading out the one on exhibit. Hmmm - there is supposed to be a new building to ARTiC - wonder if that will allow the textiles to come out!

Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...