Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Spring is the selfish season...

Spring is the child of the year. So much new growth, so many new things to deal with. We become childlike ourselves, in that we become disinterested in anything but what affects ourselves. I find myself turning my back on all kinds of things that may require any more of me; any more attention, any more work, any more effort. I have too many things calling my name as it is... my garden, spring cleaning, the tapestry on the loom and special 'festivals' that the gallery wants special subjects painted for.

Enough is sometimes just enough. Time is needed to sit on the porch and sip some sun tea. Time to play with the pets. Time to read a good book or flip idly through a pretty magazine. Time to notice and enjoy the fleeting scent of my lilacs.

I will be taking some of that time, as springtime, like childhood, is short and sweet. You may not hear from me for awhile.... just know that I am enjoying some porch time..... Or (which is more likely) I'm weeding the garden, painting the bathroom, weaving or painting in the studio, or spring cleaning.


Theresa said...

Enjoy the season's short bounty, your porch and that tea. We, of course, would need sun here, but that will come even to us.

Jennifer said...

Lovely pictures - the first is cherry, but what is the second??? Our spring is about 2 weeks around here, so I completely understand the need to savor every moment! Enjoy!

K Spoering said...

Actually, the first is a flowering crab tree, and the second is a close-up of my lilac. Our spring is lasting longer than usual this year. Maybe because we had a long winter, and it keeps trying to come back! I hope that means a shorter or cooler summer, too!

noodleBubble said...

Lovely! Enjoy your Spring - the Blossom here in England seems to be lasting an age - it's delicious - am spending a LOT of time just SMELLING the AIR!

Just discovered you so off to have a lovely blog browse!

pop by and say Hi if have a mo -

Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...