Saturday, we went over the mountains for a quick trip to the Colorado front range. We first went to Loveland, met some dear friends for a very quick lunch, then to the Museum to see the Fiber Celebration 2009 exhibit for a few minutes. There are some great pieces in the show, and I wish I could show more to you, but, as I don't have permission for that, I will just show a shot of my two pieces, plus a few that were nearby.
The Loveland Museum is also hosting a Wayne Thiebaud exhibit! I love his work, and especially liked a piece called "The Speaker" though I could not photograph it, and can't find an image of it anywhere (ARGH!). He is, of course, mostly known for his pastry paintings, but the exhibit included a lot of his people and place pieces as well. A great thing to see, but, Oh! for a bit more time there!

We couldn't dally there long, though, as we needed to get back to Denver for my son's graduation and pinning as he received his RN degree. It was a wonderful and fun ceremony, and then a terrific celebration afterwards at his wife's parent's home. So we got in a bit of family time, too - again, not enough! I got a few grandkid photos, and am especially fond of this series of my grandson showing me how he can do somersaults. Home again yesterday... a beautiful day to cross the Rockies!

Looks like a lovely trip - the somersalt pics are a hoot!!! You had some forethought to get those snapped! I would have just sat there laughing.
The weavings are beautiful also. The one of the bird is one of my favorites!
I laughed the first go-round, then grabbed the camera. He is quite willing to perform his great skill on demand from grandma. Isn't he a cutie?!
The somersault sequence is, as we say in the California, awesome. I remember a conversation with a young nephew in which he announced he was standing and one foot and that he could hop now.
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