Saturday, June 27, 2009

What has, and hasn't, been happening...

As you can see, not a great deal has been happening lately on the weaving front. I have been getting a wee bit of painting done, but am feeling a bit blocked there, as I really am feeling that I should be at the loom. I have to confess that my days have been disappearing into some foggy place lately, and I feel as if I am running far, far behind the pack! I've been put on a new 'headache-go-away' medicine (for this same headache that has been my almost constant companion since Nov. 2007). The med makes me feel a lot groggy in the mornings, which is usually my studio work time, and a bit droopy for the rest of the day. It doesn't seem to have rid me of the headache so far, either. Curses, stupid medicine! Double curses, stupid headache!!!

Our spring and early summer has been cool and wet. All of these things have made me want to just sit in a rocker or on the porch glider and do nothing more than read light novels. So that is pretty much what I have been doing. I have had several batches of company in May and June, so I did add some grocery shopping and a bit of cooking to that very small ToDo list that I'm working from. My parents just left today, and they'll return next weekend, right before I go to Boston for a week. I have determined that, when I get back home, I will set a deadline for the piece on the loom, as that is the best way to motivate myself.

I have played a bit with a design for the June tapestry, for the calendar series. I have the upper 2/3's designed, but am not quite ready to share it yet. I may get that design done this week. If so, I will share the design and the process with you.

Well, I think that about brings you up to date with what has been - or perhaps really has NOT been - happening here in my studio and life. The 'lazy days of summer' seem to have quite overwhelmed me!


Yuri said...

thank you!

also, I didn't realize your pieces were woven. that's amazing!

Jennifer said...

I'm sorry about the headaches - I am learning more and more that I do not deal well with chronic pain and I tend to get absolutely nothing done. I'm glad though that you are taking care of yourself. That's likely the only way to get there...

Thanks for the encouragement on the weavings!


Jan said...

I really like the new tapestry, there seems to be a rash of black and white going around! Although of course it looks like it's not really black and white, but lots of shades of gray and white. Lovely.

K Spoering said...

Not much actual black at all, but lots of greys which are a bit bluer than the photo shows. I've determined that I will have it off the loom by the end of August, even tho' I won't be working on it until I get home from Boston on the 15th.

Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...