I hung my work in the new gallery yesterday. It looks nice. I hope it does well there. I got an award in the Fiber Celebration exhibit from Shuttles, Spindles, and Skeins, one of my favorite fiber shops in Boulder, CO. I don't know what the award is yet. Those are the ups.
The down is that I have made the appointment to have Wooster 'sent to the heaven for good doggies' tomorrow. How do you say something like that without sobbing uncontrollably? I certainly don't know. He has been our friend and almost constant companion for almost 13 years. We will miss him. We will mourn him. We have loved him almost as much as he has loved us. This huge 'down' doesn't even make the small 'ups' seem significant at all....
I am so terribly sorry...and sad with you...this is a pain I understand I know there really aren't any words that are going to help... you are and will be in my thoughts and prayers...
How sad, and how difficult to have to make that decision. I'm so glad you immortalized him in wool.
Kathy, So sad about Wooster. Any of us who have ever felt the love of a good dog will be keeping you in our thoughts I am sure...what a difficult time for you and your family.
Oh that is terribly sad news. It is such a painful decision to have to make, so sob as much as you need.
Kathy, this is a huge down and I know it's only been 6 weeks since I was there. It is a hard decision and there is no easy way to face it. But I can tell you 6 weeks out, you will still look back in love and tears, but it is easier. I am sobbing with you!
Dear Kathy, don't be sad. Wooster is in a Dog's Heaven! You tapestry is absolutely Wonderful!
My heart is with you and your family as Wooster goes to find the place where he can run like a puppy again--and forever. He'll be joining many loved friends of ours. My German Shepherd will love to tug on a stick with him, I'm sure!
If your beautiful weaving is any indication, it's obvious to me that Wooster is not simply a pet, but a soul mate, as the luminous soul of this dog radiates outward from your beautiful creation. My heart goes out to you during this difficult time of saying goodbye to a special friend.
Oh, Kathy!
There's a big lump in my throat & tears in my eyes. There is nothing to ease this raw pain except time. I understand.
"I have sometimes thought of the final cause of dogs having such short lives and I am quite satisfied it is in compassion to the human race; for if we suffer so much in losing a dog after an acquaintance of ten or twelve years, what would it be if they were to live double that time?"
Sir Walter Scott
What a beautiful portrait. Like many people, I have gone through what you are going through, and my sympathies are with you.
Just wanted to add my sympathies for your loss. We also lost our collie Brock earlier this year, he was 15 and I lost my little three legged 17 year old cat two weeks before that so
I do understand how you are feeling. You have a wonderful memory of him with your tapestry, it is beautiful.
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