Monday, June 8, 2009

Flowers for Sale....

I am stopping on this painting for now - perhaps for good. I don't want to do too much to it. It is 12x16". The photo isn't great, because the paint is still wet so there is some glare. But anyway, it is all I have done today except laundry. No matter how bad I feel, I can always do laundry. And as this was my first day 'home alone' since we don't have Wooster, it's been a hard and sad day. It is amazing to me how much of my day was centered around his needs, especially in the past few years while he needed medicating. Anyway, YEA! for painting, and even for laundry... I'll take what distractions I can get.


Tommye McClure Scanlin said...

I like the glow at the edge of her face. For me, this painting is about that glow.

I know you'll be missing Wooster forever. But he's always with you--only now he doesn't have the same needs you mention from the last few years. He will be giving to you instead, giving of all the happy memories he made with you and your family.


jeanne bee. said...

Hi Kathy, Hang in there. I know it's hard.
I love Flowers for Sale. Whenever I'm in Seattle, we go to Fremont Market and there is a lady who looks so much like your painting it just made me happy to see it. The birds planted sunflowers all over my yard this year and I can't wait for them to bloom. Hug yourself and do some more distracting things. Love and hugs, jeanne b.

K Spoering said...

Jeanne, actually, I painted this from a photo I took in Seattle, in Pike Street Market! I took a gazillion photos there, so have more painting I want to do from there. Lovely place!

lyn said...


One of the things I always have done to help ease the pain after one of our companions has died is to think about what a good life we are able to give them, let go of any guilt feelings, cherish the funny & crazy memories, & let the tears flow when they need to. At times, especially in the beginning, easier said than done.

I admire you so much for jumping in to embrace painting as you have & listening to your intuition that it is the path you need to follow right now. I came across this blog by another painter who lives in Colorado & thought you'd like to have a peek--

I sure hope you make it to Durango in July, I have a big hug waiting for you!

Jennifer said...

I know the silence of the house can be hard and the change in routine - we had the same with lots of medications in the end. I was amazed with how I reviewed his entire life though after his passing. There were many beautiful things that made it all worth it. I hope those are coming to you also. Just let the tears come when they do.

The painting is beautiful, I love the highlight on her face. Makes me want to walk around and see her from the front!

Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...