Saturday, June 20, 2009

Illustration Friday: Drifting

I'm posting this little oil sketch of my grandson drifting in his pool 'donut' for this week's IF topic. The water was fun to paint, and it was also fun getting the transparent look to the donut. It is 5x7" - just a sketch. My grandson is very laid back, and what he does in the pool is just to get himself into his donut and drift around. His older sister paddles around here and there in her donut, but he is happy to just drift where the pool and his floating donut take him.

We spent the past few days drifting, as well. We were back up to the lake to go fishing. Last weekend was too windy to fish, as the fish just don't bite when there are whitecaps on the water. But this weekend was perfect! Between us, we caught 18 keeper-sized rainbow trout. We only kept 6 of them, and released the rest, as we don't really need a lot of fish to eat, with just the two of us. We caught most of the fish with worms, but when they ran out, we used lures, and I caught the biggest one (16 inches) on a Rooster Tail lure. (Just a little detail, for anyone who might wonder...) Fishing is a wonderful activity.... as it alternates times when you really are just drifting along doing nothing with short bursts of excitement and activity. During the drifting times, I had an idea for another of the Calender tapestries, for the month of June. I'll keep you posted as the design materializes!
Gus went along again, and enjoyed watching the fish get cleaned through the screen door window.


Artsnark said...

great illo. Love how the green catches the eye

Indigene said...

This is a sketch? Wow! The colors are so luminescence! It's shimmery and a beautiful composition of color.

Anonymous said...

Yes, very beautiful catch of the translucent water ring and the water. I've always struggled with reflection. You've captured it nicely.

Jennifer said...

Just a sketch... I'd love to be producing such sketches! Never been into fishing but then again, I have this thing about knives and needles - which include hooks! I would enjoy the drifting part though!

K Spoering said...

The hooks don't bother me, Jennifer, but I confess that I'm not too fond of the worms. But I do usually have to bait my own hook - nasty job! If I also had to clean the fish, I'd probably hang up my rod and reel, but my husband cleans 'em and I cook 'em.

Coreopsis said...

Lovely painting--it so captures the mood. I'm impressed with the water and transparency of the ring--I'd probably have avoided this topic, just because I'd be nervous about that. This is wonderful.

Sherri Woodard Coffey said...

I so admire anyone who can paint like this and am especially impressed with the see-through ring. Wow!

Artsnark said...

Hello again!

Your comment entered you in this week's ArtSnark blog giveaway & you've won! I've also sent an email to you. Just need to hook you up with this week's sponsor so she can send you your prize.


K Spoering said...

Whoa! How cool is that? I love being a winner!

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