Friday, June 5, 2009

IF: Craving

I did this little 5x7 warm-up oil sketch for the Illustration Friday topic, "Craving." I do sometimes crave chocolate, and I often crave sweets! The image is from an amazing piece of triple-chocolate-something from a local restaurant that a friend brought by as 'comfort food' for us yesterday.

Speaking of comfort, thank you all for your sympathy and understanding in the loss of our Wooster. Sometimes, when days are soooo hard, it helps to know that others are thinking kind thoughts and knowing how you feel. I have found that Beauty is a comfort, too. As I sat on the porch with Wooster on his last days, I kept looking across the street at the neighbor's catalpa tree, which is blooming, and has a rose climbing about 15 feet up into it, which is also blooming. That beautiful tree gave me comfort, too, and I finally took a picture of it today. It's blooms are almost finished, but it is still lovely. I'm sure, had he been allowed to cross the street, Wooster would have appreciated it in his own doggie way, as well. And it could have used the watering...


Raluca said... I´m reaaaally really hungry!!

Jennifer said...

We've planted shrubs that were in bloom each time we had the death of a pet. We choose based on personality, etc. The blooms make me smile and give a little time to dream. I hope the neighbor's tree and roses can be that for you - each year just a happy reminder of Wooster.

Anonymous said...

Great painting my mouth is watering

K Spoering said...

I like that idea Jennifer! I'm sure I'll remember sitting and looking at the tree with Wooster when I see it bloom again, and I won't have to add any more shrubs to my jungle of a yard! But I am going to fill my porch pots in his memory.

Laura Marsh said...

Looks good enough to eat & lighting is especially nice.

Digital Scott's Illustrationblog said...

Spectacular!!! REally nice.


yummmmy! i want one! nice work! :)

Lucy Autrey Wilson said...

Very effective! Makes me crave chocolate even though I'm allergic!

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