Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Lookie here!

I was somehow entered into a drawing I didn't know anything about when I posted a comment on ArtSnark's blog last week, and, hey! I WON! My winnings came very quickly by mail. They are 4 ATC's (Artist Trading Cards), from Melanie at Studio27 on Etsy. They are very cool! (Click on them to see them larger.)

I purchased some blank ATC's quite some time ago, but have never done anything with them. These make me want to go search for them in the studio cupboard and get busy playing with them! Maybe when I get more things on my ToDo list checked off.... In the meantime, I have some really cute tiny easels that these Just Fit on, so I can enjoy them and be inspired by them while I work. In fact, they reminded me again, Where is that old photo that I want to make into a Heritage tapestry? Remember that I was searching for it several months ago? It still hasn't been found...

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Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...