Monday, September 24, 2012

Before the Gold Rush...

I took this photo the last time we were up cutting wood at the lake. Yesterday's local front page headline announced that fall colors are nearing their peak, so I am assuming all these aspen trees have turned to gold by now.

I am frantically weaving the last few inches of the Nativity Tapestries, having already invited the commission church members to a cutting off for next Sunday evening. My house is a disaster, as I have been turning my back on it to weave the past several weeks, and I literally have to climb over things to get into the studio (of course, part of that is because I have to create ever higher barricades to keep Booker out, as he wants to be at my feet under the loom, and it just doesn't accommodate his size, OR his hair, which I try to keep out of the studio.)

My husband wants to go up at the end of this week and see the beautiful Colorado fall colors, and cut more wood. That means that I am shooting for not Sunday evening, but Wednesday, to have the tapestries woven AND the studio and house clean for the cutting off. 

Right now, I am obviously not at the loom. I have been there for the past three hours already this morning, so I'm taking a short lunch break, with Booker happily at my feet in the office. If things work out as planned, I'll share photos of the cutting off with you, as well as photos of the golden Colorado high country autumn later this week.

In the meantime, I hope the beginning of your autumn is truly lovely!


Mary said...

I know having a deadline is good but this sounds ridiculous! Good luck - and stay away from the computer.

Julia Kelly said...

The oak brush down here( sw colorado) have out shown the aspen this year with blazing colors od red, orange and yellow- hope it is pretty up there for you!

K Spoering said...

You're right, Mary, it is ridiculous. I was weaving until 9:30 last night and went to bed exhausted. I got the left tapestry done, though, except for the hem. I have the same amount to do today on the right tapestry. I think my hopes for going to the mountains at the end of the week have to be abandoned. Sigh.... It will be very good to get this done, though, as I'm ready to move on to something else.

Julia, I did see some oak brush on Sunday, when I delivered paintings to an exhibit in Glenwood Springs. It was gorgeous! I didn't have my camera, but tried to get a couple of shots with my iPhone.

A Bit Blah-Zee

I don’t know if you know the Larkins, of  The Darling Buds of May,  by H.E. Bates (also several TV series,) but Pop Larkin notes that Ma is ...