Sunday, June 24, 2012

More Progress, and Convergence 2012...

As you can see, I have made some more good progress this past week on these two commission tapestries. I put a red line (digitally, not actually on the tapestries) about where I began for the week. My goal was to weave at least 3 inches up on both of them, and I wove closer to 5" across. That is a very good thing, because we will be taking some time to go to the mountains over the next week, so I'm counting some of that extra weaving as work towards this week's goal! Weaving this much has meant weaving from 6-8 hours for 5 days of this past week. I did not weave yesterday, as I really needed to let my achy body rest a bit.

In addition to spending most of my days at the loom this past week, I have been working several hours a day on the seminar I will be teaching soon in Long Beach, CA at Convergence 2012. It is to be a 6-hr. seminar on Friday, July 20th. Below is the Seminar description. More information about Convergence can be seen on the Handweavers Guild of America website.

UC124 My Life is But a Tapestry
Kathy Spoering
Participants will create designs to be woven as narrative tapestries using images and stories from their own lives as well as shared experiences. This class is a design experience, focusing on content, symbolism, and design elements to create tapestries of both personal and universal appeal. We will also explore creating a maquette and a cartoon from which to weave.
Materials fee: $5.00. Level: Intermediate.

And.... I am a bit embarrassed to admit this.... I have been spending my evenings sewing slits and getting the small "May" tapestry ready to block and mount, as it will be in the Leader's exhibit in Long Beach. It has been 'resting' quite a long while since it was cut from the loom, but when I got it cut off, I immediately began rewarping for these commission tapestries. In addition to seeing "May" in Long Beach, ATA's small format exhibit,  Pacific Portals,  will be held in the Long Beach Library, which is near the Convention Center which is hosting Convergence. My little tapestry, "Grace" is in that exhibit. I always love seeing that exhibit, as it has work from weaving newbies hanging alongside the work of tapestry gurus! And they all look delightful together!


Jan said...

I love it! The robes give it so much energy and motion. Also, looking at the previous post I am enchanted with the sheep, and I suspect I will feel the same about the fox when I can see his whole face. From what I can see he has a very foxish expression!


You have me mesmerized with your art! I too weave on a loom, but use beads. I have been more intregued with textile weaving on a loom as some of where my ideas go seem to mimick a method or two, in textles. All is very serendipity for me, but I think following you would keep me inspired!

K Spoering said...

Thanks, Jan! I hope the fox IS foxy! I based it on one we see at our cabin.

Erin, I saw your beautiful beadwork on your blog. I've never woven with beads, but am always tempted to try it when I see such lovely work. Maybe we should swap techniques for awhile!

Mary said...

Kathy, I really wish I could get to your seminar! I would love some collaboration with others in designing. But California is a bit too far. I hope it goes well for you.

It must be very pleasing for you to have done so much this week - but I feel for your sore body.

K Spoering said...

Thanks, Mary. Wish you could be there, too! The more input, the better!

I was aching before the weaving, I have been doing physical therapy for an angry IT band, but I'm sure the weaving hasn't helped it a bit.

A Bit Blah-Zee

I don’t know if you know the Larkins, of  The Darling Buds of May,  by H.E. Bates (also several TV series,) but Pop Larkin notes that Ma is ...