Monday, February 1, 2016

Work and play...

I have been getting some weaving done! It snowed last night, and we are staying in today, so I've been working on the small tapestry of O'Brien, my 'grand-chicken.' I hope to even the weaving up at at least 2" today, and as it's just 8 1/2" in length (which will actually be the width, when turned and hung,) I will be almost a quarter of the way done if I meet that goal! Woo-hoo! Lots of little fiddly bits, but I am enjoying that.

I mentioned that I am doing a Sketchbook Skool klass. It is my 'play.' This was the third of six weeks. The assignments this week included doing an Infographic, and mine is above. It was fun. I enjoy words, so that part, which seemed to challenge many of the other people taking the class, was the fun part for me.

The second assignment was to sketch an image, then use words to tell the story. Above is my page for that.

In other 'news' here, two finches hit the front window this morning, so that has kept Gus enthralled. The male sat on the window sill for quite some time, then astonished Gus by flying away. The female did not survive. Gus is ever hopeful, though, and kept a vigil until my husband took the poor thing away. Gus is staying on the warm radiator now, hoping one or the other will come back to entertain him, and watching the more fortunate birds at the feeder nearby.

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