Friday, August 8, 2008

Illustration Friday topic: Sail

OK... I know these aren't sailboats. But I decided I'd post this tapestry for the IF topic this week, as it will reach a different audience than those who saw it when I posted it before, and I'd like as many eyes as possible looking for this piece! This tapestry is called "Rockport Skiffs." It is handwoven in wool weft on cotton warp. It is 35" wide and 30" high. It was STOLEN from a gallery in Asheville, NC. If anyone ever sees this tapestry, PLEASE contact me and let me know!! I never really even got the chance to exhibit it before it was stolen. ARRRRGH! It still makes me huffy!


AscenderRisesAbove said...

lovely; as is the apples below. the photo in the right column... just plain adorable.

Elizabeth Parsons said...

very nice!


so sorry it was stolen! how terrible- the person who stole it- how does he/she sleep at night???

studio lolo said...

This is really lovely, and Rockport (massachusetts) is one of my all time favorite places.
I can't imagine stealing, let alone having to look at something all day long knowing it isn't rightfully mine. I'm a believer in "what goes around..." Hopefully this post will haunt the theives!
You do wonderful work.

Jessie said...

What an exquisite piece! So sorry it was stolen from you. Thanks so much for sharing the image.

Anonymous said...

The nerve of some people. I feel your pain. Very beautiful. I'm glad you have it on your computer, so you can remember it always.

Anonymous said...

I saw the picture and immediately thought: Isn't that the one that was stolen? I wonder if she got it back?

Sorry to hear that this is not the case. I guess the good news is that I think that I would recognize it as your stolen tapestry if I ever saw it. We can only hope.

Unknown said...

it is beautiful ...sorry to hear it was stolen.....I am sure it will turn up again...

erin said...

this is so beautiful, I guess the thief couldn't help himself (or herself).

how on earth did they get it out of the gallery without anyone noticing, that must have been one mighty big trench coat.

I hope it finds its way back to you.

Anonymous said...

The colors are fantastic and so is the illustration.

Bella Sinclair said...

Wow, this is really beautiful. I couldn't believe it was a tapestry. It must have taken you ages. Amazing work! How shocking and horrible that it was stolen from you. The thief had a good eye, that's for sure. I hope a lot of people see this post and that horrible person is brought to justice.

lil kim said...

wow this is amazing - i hope you find it!

INDIGENE said...

This is an amazing piece of work! Wow!

Solvere volo said...

This is a great piece of artwork! (No wonder that it was stolen - sorry about that!)

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