Thursday, January 7, 2010

A matter of size....

As I trundle around the house in my baggy sweats (which I only wear when I'm sick) and my ever constant tissues, I have been trying to decide on what to weave for the ATA unjuried small tapestry exhibit. I have been spending time back and forth between bed and computer. I have finally made my choice! The 'winning design' is not one of the ones shown here. It was chosen mostly because of scale - it will fit best within the 10x10 inch size limit.

The two images shown were both ones I considered. They both are great for the theme, "Enchanted Pathways." And I think they will both make great tapestries at some point in time. But neither really will work well at such a small scale.

You'll have to wait and see what my choice is. I hope to begin warping the Mirrix soon. Wonder if I can do that in bed? It might be a good way of avoiding Booker's 'help,' at any rate!

But then again, perhaps I shouldn't make decisions and do tasks, large or small, when my head is full of swine ....


Twisted in Texas said...

Can't wait to see these two paintings as Tapestries. They are glorious.

Unknown said...

You could weae from bed. I have done that before. Feel better!

A Bit Blah-Zee

I don’t know if you know the Larkins, of  The Darling Buds of May,  by H.E. Bates (also several TV series,) but Pop Larkin notes that Ma is ...