Thursday, May 8, 2008


I can't be an honest artist if I don't confess to being creatively 'blocked' on occasion. Fortunately, it has always been a condition that has passed, and usually I find I have stepped up to a higher level of creativity once that happens. I find myself with new insights and enthusiasms. But, during the time I'm blocked, I feel like I will never have a creative idea or desire again.

I am experiencing a season of 'creative block' now. I am, like the raccoon in the photo my husband took in Boston a few years ago, hanging on for Dear Life, and hiding out from as much over-stimulation as possible. I am avoiding the studio as if it will do me in... and, being a pretty over-stimulating spot, perhaps it would!

I am still making myself do 'creative' things, but they are not Art or Work-related. I spent the past few days making my grand-daughter a dress and my grandson a pair of shorts. I'm working in the garden. I'm planning on sewing myself a summer kimono/robe. But to paint or to weave? It's like I just don't even know how to do those things right now.

This too shall pass (I sincerely hope). If history and my creative cycles repeat themselves, I will come out of this slump one day (hopefully soon) as if awaking from a bad dream. I'll come to with a jolt of creative energy, and will run to the studio, ready to create as if my very life depends on it.

But for now, I'm just hanging on...

1 comment:

Tommye McClure Scanlin said...

...and keep on hanging on, KATHY! You'll make it to the other side, I know you will...and yet the other side will really be the next level up on the spiral of creativity. And you well know this spiraling journey.

I took some raccoon paw print photos today at the creek!

And just had an e-mail from a friend about a sad rabies incident in SC with a baby raccoon...

synchronicity with these little bandits right now!

A Bit Blah-Zee

I don’t know if you know the Larkins, of  The Darling Buds of May,  by H.E. Bates (also several TV series,) but Pop Larkin notes that Ma is ...