Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Meanwhile, back at the loom...

I'm weaving a bit each day again, so have made a bit of progress on the upper two pears. You can see how close I am to the top of the cartoon now. I should cut off next week... maybe.

I function on a 'do what's yelling the loudest to be done' basis. For instance, the house needs cleaning, but it's not yet going to be condemned, and there is no company coming in the near future, so it's not climbing to the top of the ToDo list today. There is always some studio work, some business in my office (which is yelling loudly enough to get my attention) and always some work to do on the ATA exhibit. I have come to view deadlines as my friends, or at least my motivators. Without them, I would probably get very little done. Looming deadlines this week (pun intended) include a couple of exhibit entries to send in, and a baby shower that I need to finish knitting a blanket for. Oh, and a talk I will be giving to my local guild tomorrow. Those will demand my attention for the rest of the day, but this morning, I sat at the loom and wove pears!


Life Looms Large said...

Looking great!! To my eye, it seems like this project is going quickly!!

Anonymous said...

Wednesday 2/4/09 9:18am
What fun to be able to closely look at each bobbin and see how it is added and used ....thank you so much for this detailed continued anatomy of a tapestry...yesterday I was weaving sweater folds and neckline ever encouraged by your teaching...from Janet on the snow-ice plane of the East Coast

K Spoering said...

Yes, Sue, it is going quickly - when I get the chance to weave. It's not a large piece, just 18"x18".
Janet, I hope I get to see what you are weaving! Let me know when it's done and where I can see it!

Tommye McClure Scanlin said...

Looks great, Kathy. I'm loving seeing this tapestry grow on your loom.

A Bit Blah-Zee

I don’t know if you know the Larkins, of  The Darling Buds of May,  by H.E. Bates (also several TV series,) but Pop Larkin notes that Ma is ...