Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Nearly there...

As you can see, I'm coming to the top of this small tapestry. Depending on how the week goes, I may cut off this weekend. But I have a baby blanket to finish knitting an attached i-cord edging all round before that, as the shower is this weekend, and I'm not sure what else the week will bring. This is one of those 'up in the air' weeks, where there are events coming up to prepare for and deadlines to meet, and I am putting out whichever fire blazes the hottest at the time, and not looking ahead too much. You know, one of those weeks... when your husband calls at noon and asks 'what are you doing?' and you don't know the answer...


Sherri Woodard Coffey said...

Noticing all the butterflies in this picture, I'm wondering how you lift the warp to place the weft.The pictures I've seen of pictorial pieces in progress by other weavers have bobbins that, I assume help lift the appropriate warp threads. I use a harness loom so don't have that problem.

K Spoering said...

Sherri, My loom has treadles and harnesses too. Or, for tiny places, I finger pick. On this piece, I'm usually weaving across an area, like the pear or the background, so I use the treadle to open the shed.

A Bit Blah-Zee

I don’t know if you know the Larkins, of  The Darling Buds of May,  by H.E. Bates (also several TV series,) but Pop Larkin notes that Ma is ...