Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Snow update...

The snow kept coming all night, and in fact is still coming down. Officially there are 10-12 inches, which hasn't happened here for at least 20 years. I know there's a foot of snow on our picnic table in Booker's yard. Booker is loving it. It covered all his holes, so now he has something new to dig in.

I put my star in the window up, to help cheer neighbors who are shoveling and the few people who are out slogging by. Schools here have a snow day! I think my boys had only one snow day when they were in school here. Must've been that storm 20 years ago! It would be a lovely day to be at the loom, but I'll put some soup in the crockpot and finish up some holiday projects. Happy winter to you all from snowy Colorado! Today it actually looks like people think it always looks here in winter... like a Colorado postcard scene.


hockeygirl said...

I'm so jealous right now.

K Spoering said...

It may still be here when you come! Plus more... as it's still snowing.

Theresa said...

I cry foul, you have our snow and left us with these horrible frigid temps only instead.
Booker looks like he is really enjoying the new clean look to his backyard. It's always great fun to toss snowballs into the snow and watch them try to find them. Maybe I'm mean.
Lovely star, it would have cheered me up if I was shoveling.

Jennifer said...

Booker has such a curly coat for the snow also!
The star is beautiful - do you make it?

A Bit Blah-Zee

I don’t know if you know the Larkins, of  The Darling Buds of May,  by H.E. Bates (also several TV series,) but Pop Larkin notes that Ma is ...