... and an even smaller sketch in my bulky handmade paper watercolor sketchbook, at the cabin over the weekend.

In the past, I have been inspired on a number of occasions by the beautiful Colorado autumn. This tapestry is "Aspen Autumn," (34" x 48")

... this one is called "FALL: don't fall," (34" x 21")

... and this most recent one is the Autumn one from the Seasons series, titled "The Gift." (52" x 36")

William Cullen Bryant has said about Autumn that it is "the year's last, loveliest smile." So nice that we do have something to smile with the world about, even in these difficult times.
Love the colours in the oil sketch and the tapestries. I especially like The Gift, beautiful
Wed. 10/8/08 7:42am
I marvel at the shading in your pumpkins at the top of the page and the bottom of the tapestry...I'm easily entertained, I know, but I think it so neat the way the yarns/threads are translated into meaninful tapestry images...from Janet way over East
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