Last night at the oil painting class, the instructor told us in the last half-hour or so just to 'paint something.' So I painted this bear in about 15 minutes or less. It's done in that style she teaches, where you smear paint on the canvas, then rub out the lights, add a few dark accents, and you're done. She told me to sign it, so I wouldn't keep working it and work it to death. It's the first time I've signed a study, I think!
Yesterday I tied the warp on the loom for the "September" tapestry, and today I'll enlarge the maquette to a cartoon.
I also went to a new art supply store this morning! We have not had one here for several years, and have had to shop at the hobby shops or order from the internet, or stock up when we travel. It will be great to have a shop here again. They haven't started at a very good time, economically. I hope they survive! I did my best to help them this morning, buying several nice new brushes, and a few artist's 'toys.'
I am also doing my own personal best to not allow myself to be bogged down by daily news. It is not always easy. I read an article in (I believe) the New York Times yesterday, about how creative people are more sensitive to upsets in the world around them. DUH! Anyway, we need to protect our sensitivities at times like this, and be careful of the sensibilities of those around us. What helps me most is to talk to my grandchildren, who know nothing about the economy or the election. We talk of chocolate and good books... the important and enduring things in life. They keep life in perspective for me. I hope you have either grandchildren, chocolate, good books, or (best of all) all three, to make your day a good one, too!
well, actually, katie is pulling for obama in the election. she keeps "voting" for him. my good little liberal girl.
Thursday 10/9/10 8am
Besides being a fiber person, I am also a piano teacher....I have a pile of stickers for good playing...this past week a precious little 8 year old was flipping through the pile tossing off the political stickers and pulling out the Halloween ones...she asked me, "Did anybody win yet?" I said no and she said, "Well, what's taking them so long?" I thought that comment was perfect....why can't we just get it over with in one day like her Student Council Elections instead of dragging us through the abyss of over a year....kids just see it differently...from Janet over East
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