Friday, October 3, 2008

Sugary: for Illustration Friday

I haven't posted for IF for a few weeks, but I have a couple of things to post for today's topic, "Sugary", which I'm not sure is a word. I'm hoping the meaning is like "sugar-y: covered with or having to do with sugar" and not a mistaken spelling of surgery, for which I've got nothin'. Annnnywaay, I'm posting a little Moleskin sketch from a diner in Canada of those colorful little sugar packets... also salt and pepper and artificial sweetener packets. Pretty much anything that was in front of me as I waited for my meal.

I'll also post the "Diner" painting, which I know I posted once in the distant past, but not for IF, and it has 'sugary' donuts in it, that, if you would eat too many of might cause you to need surgery! So it fits either way, doesn't it?


Willie Baronet said...

You know, I use those sugar packets to get rid of my old gum. :-)

Lisa Rivas said...

Those donuts are very tempting.
I can't stay here to long. The sweet tooth will start sending messages :)
Beautiful work...

Connie said...

The diner painting is wonderful;full of warmth and nostalgic, although that burger is very modern in it excess! I wondered about 'sugary' being a mispronunciation of something else; I feel a cartoon coming on; you've inspired me.

AscenderRisesAbove said...

wonderful still life work. applause.

Anonymous said...

Love both of your illustrations. You've captured "sugary" well.

Edrian said...

These still lifes are wonderful! The lighting and the detail are marvelous. Really great job!

Anonymous said...

Awesome !

Sketchbook Selfies

  I completed a sketchbook today, and began a new one. My tradition is to both end and begin a sketchbook with a self portrait. It is my way...