Friday, August 21, 2009

Illustration Friday: Caution

The IF topic this week is caution. So I am posting this tapestry, which is called "FALL / don't fall." It is about caution... about the fear of taking risks... about being willing to occasionally allow yourself to risk falling, failing, looking a fool, just to take the risk to DO something. It is about "throwing caution to the wind" and just stepping out into the unknown. These are things I need to prod myself to do frequently, because I am a very cautious person at heart.

I have a quote framed in my studio by Elinor Roosevelt. She said to "Do one thing everyday that scares you." Hope you have an amazing, if frightening, week!


Connie said...

The tapestry is a glorious piece!

Yuri said...

beautiful tapestry, and I like the ideas behind it!

michele said...

What a beautiful interpretation and sentiment!

serline said...

Just perfect for hanging up in my little play room. Very nice work!

Pencil Pocket said...

A positively inspiring message and lovely work!

Wall Tapestry said...

What a lovely message and to go with it a lovely piece of art. Commendable job. Congras!!!

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