Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Doggone that Phil!!!

I guess you know that Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow today, predicting six more weeks of winter. What does a rodent know, anyway?

Anyway, I took another still-life setup photo, replacing the nutbread with toast, and simplifying the set-up somewhat, which I think may be helpful in having the 'news' more the subject. In fact, rather than painting all that text, I am considering doing a collage treatment. I have seen oil paintings on newspaper that are quite stunning. I just wonder how stable they are over time?

At any rate, if you have an opinion as to which of the still-life setups works best for this sensitive subject matter, I'd really appreciate you sharing it with me. Thanks, to those of you who are helping me with this!


Julia Kelly said...

ok- I like the oranges in the new layout- but really like the fork and crumbs across the plate- like someone just left,
also like the way the papers are laid down in the first- less organized- as for how people will take it- I have no idea-seems like I am always wrong when I guess others responses- you are doing it because you care- there is power in that!

Tommye McClure Scanlin said...

Hi Kathy,
Tough call... compositionally, I think this one is very much stronger. I think the statement is quite clear as well. We are both so fortunately and unfortunately blessed in this country. It's hard to know how and what to do -- how can one even comprehend the scale of the disaster, first off?
This blogger is tackling similar thoughts--as are many right now: http://www.socialpoliticalart.com/

Collage from newspapers -- how old are the Cubist paintings now in which Picasso and Braque used actual papers--pushing 100, maybe? It will be around long enough to make an impact, I think.

Your concerns for all life shows so eloquently in your art work, whether tapestry or your paintings. I appreciate all of the many thoughts you share and the things you do for others.


Betsy4459 said...

Hi Kathy,
When I viewed your first layout, my eyes were immediately drawn to the newspaper. In the second layout, my eyes found the plate of food first. My preference is your first layout. That said, your work is so wonderful, I'm certain whichever layout you choose will result in a beautiful finished product!
I love following your blog and reading your Booker stories.

Jennifer said...

I do like the simplicity of this layout. One thing you might want to consider is "painting" with paper. Something completely different - but I've been following this blog - she could tell you the longevity of the pieces.


Jan said...

I like the second composition better, less busy. I don't think it's at all insensitive, although I understand your hesitation, I sometimes get that way myself...

I think the newsprint will last longer if you put a coat of acrylic Matte Medium on it (test it first on another piece to make sure it doesn't make the ink smear)

We did a major decoupage project last year and the stuff we put on top is called Mod Podge, and looks and smells like matte medium...

Sketchbook Selfies

  I completed a sketchbook today, and began a new one. My tradition is to both end and begin a sketchbook with a self portrait. It is my way...