Today I am packing and shipping two tapestries, "Rockport Skiffs" and "Dama con Mangoes," to go off to the Grovewood Gallery in Asheville, North Carolina. So, if you're near there, stop in and say 'hey' to them! It is always a bittersweet thing to ship tapestries to a commercial gallery. You know that they could possibly not come back; that there they may meet the person they were created and meant for. The lovely person who will fall in love with them, and will be willing to exchange some cold hard cash for them; cash that a portion of will come back to me, to allow me to buy more yarn, to create more work, and possibly to do a few other wonderful things with (visit my parents and kids, buy Christmas presents, support a Honduran orphan, and build a castle in Madrid... well, maybe some of those things anyway.)
The first game of the World Series was not even fun to watch. It was painful. You could hear groans all over Colorado. But I did get some weaving done on the second lighthouse tapestry. I'll finish it up tonight, and will cut it off at the final workshop day on Saturday, where I'll use them to demonstrate my finishing process.
Well, must head out to UPS, then back to the big loom, where I am at the halfway point on the Fall tapestry (am I 'already' halfway to the end, or 'just' halfway from the beginning?) Then back to the little lighthouse tapestry and the Red Sox and Rockies tonight. I'm hoping the game will be a little more enjoyable now that the Rockies have warmed up, and know what they are up against!
I expected a loss (you can't beat Beckett at home in the post session), but that was AWFUL! Francis was just not placing his pitches well, which is odd. He's usually a lot of fun to watch. The last game I went to (in early September) he was ON and it was so much fun to watch.
Tonight should be better. Curt Schilling is 96 years old (I probably have his rookie card somewhere at your house) and has to pitch with the assistance of a walker. We should hit off him.
You just think you still have baseball cards here! We're selling them on eBay to fund dad's retirement!
The walker was working for him, apparently!! --Ry
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