Wednesday, December 12, 2007

And she's off!

The cutting off of the Fall tapestry was a nice event. And it's great to have it done... kinda. The 'what-now-blues' always hit me after I complete something that has so consumed my life for such a great length of time. Of course, 'now' I do have plenty to do, as I've not decorated or shopped or even thought of the upcoming holidays at all yet. So, that will be a good diversion from the now empty loom.

I had a dozen or more students and friends here for the cutting off. I forgot to set my camera to flash, so my pictures didn't turn out very well. But, after everyone left, I hung the tapestry up from a velcro hanger, and got a pretty decent shot of it. Here it is, fresh off the loom, so not blocked or finished yet:


lyn said...

Aaaahhhhhhhh! All the fretting & worry was for naught... it is GORGEOUS! I raise my glass of Bailey's to toast your success, Kathy!


Meabh Warburton said...

Well done Kathy! It's only mid afternoon so I'll wait till this evening to raise a glass to your success!!
Thanks for your comment yesterday.

Sara said...

Oh, lovely!

Wonderful colors, I so like the border dsigns, and the leaves, and the colors of her dress and shawl, and, and, and!


Anonymous said...

...just beautiful....I feel lucky to see favorite part is the fruit in the upper right corner--looks juicy! I am studying the hands since I am having troubles with a hand I am weaving now....thank you for sharing...from Janet on the icy.snowy East Coast

Sketchbook Selfies

  I completed a sketchbook today, and began a new one. My tradition is to both end and begin a sketchbook with a self portrait. It is my way...