I hit my head on the car getting out of it a few days before Thanksgiving. It wasn't a big hit, but it was in a sensitive place, and that plus a weather system that has been hanging over our valley, has triggered The Migraine That Won't Go Away. I've been to the doctor twice. I alternate weaving with lying in bed with either a pillow or a cold pack on my head. Yesterday I went back in and got 'better drugs.' Am I telling you this to generate your sympathy? You bet I am!
I have not given up my goal. I AM a stubborn beast. But it is hard to think with either a mind-confusing headache, or on narcotics. And it is hard to weave a tapestry without thinking. Here is what I am looking at today:

I have 4 inches left to weave. It is still cloudy, both outside and in my head. I don't know what this upper border will look like when it's done, but Done I must get it! (Did that sound like something Yoda would say? Gracious, from Robert Burns to Yoda. Now that's a leap one will only make on mind-numbing meds!)
I guess you may have no clue as to how you are helping some of us by sharing the knitty-gritty of the challenges of tapestry weaving....I often feel that I am in uncharted waters struggling with the bobbins...but I go on seeing how you go on...thank you from a weaver on the East Coast for sharing all the hard parts...
Keep on keeping on, Kathy!!
I sympathize about your headaches...wishing you a speedy "good thinking" time--and equally speedy finishing of your beautiful tapestry.
Thanks to you both. It's very encouraging to get comments. I guess that's what blogging is all about. Even when I am struggling alone in my studio, it helps to think 'someone out there' has an interest! Love these new drugs! I've woven two inches today, and I think it looks OK. May change my mind when they wear off though...
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