I looked at the upper border and my reaction was like Steve Urkel's: "Did I do THAT?"

I felt so horrible while I wove the entire upper border, I could only focus on the tiny spot I was weaving at any given moment. To have thought of the whole thing would have totally overwhelmed me, and I'd have given up and gone to bed. I am happy to report that it snowed last night, and after the clouds broke, so did my migraine! So I have much to be thankful for!
Here's a picture of the whole upper border. I'll post photos of the cutting off after it happens. I'm pretty anxious to see this tapestry. I have yet to see the whole thing myself! I only see the 10 or so inches that aren't wound around the front beam at any one time.

And now... I am going to bake cookies!
The image of your house, with woodpecker and apple at each side, is just beautiful!! Congratulations on lovingly portraying your family's living space. I look forward to your cutting off and posting images. Again, great job!
tell me there's going to be grandma maisy's fudge when we get there!
can't wait to see the tapestry in person! :)
Nuts or no nuts? (the fudge)
Bravo, Kathy!!!
And, if it's any consolation, I was so glad to hear all of your complaints about how you felt when you were weaving the last bits of this tapestry, because I have felt the same way! I had just thought I wasn't experiencing total weaving bliss since I haven't been weaving for many years. Especially my "cereus expectations" tapestry... when I was weaving in the pollen head area, I kept thinking, what is this crappy mess I am weaving & where am I? But, then you finish it, get it off the loom, and it looks... wonderful! Like childbirth, the pain is forgotten & you begin happily planning for the "next" one!
Can't wait to see the entire tapestry...
noooooooooo nuts, but a will disagree. but, as we all know, i'm the one that matters. ;)
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